Welcome to Clive Community Services!
VolunteerWe need volunteers for food pantry shifts, the clothing closet, and medical clinic. |
DonateWe accept canned and shelf stable goods, personal care products, and gently used clothing. |
Interested in supporting Clive Community Services?
Host your own donation drive!
- You could center your food drive around a party or celebration
- Try a “Love all / feed all” theme for February
- Or choose your own theme or reason to encourage donations!
Call our office for more information at 515.257.8550!
Our Services
Food PantryClients may shop the DMARC pantry once a month and receive a three-day supply of food and personal care items. |
Clothes ClosetWe provide seasonally appropriate clothing for adults and children. |
Free ClinicThe Clive Community Services Free Clinic is open on Mondays. Patient registration is 5:00-6:30 p.m. and patients are seen 5:30-7:30 p.m. |
EducationWe provide free English language classes for adults. |
Community GardenClive Community Services is proud to stand in friendship with the Walnut Hills Garden of Faith, Food, and Learning. |