What is your weather cancellation policy?
In case of inclement weather, we may close. Please call ahead or check our web site and Facebook page. We will contact volunteers scheduled to work that day to notify them.
How much food are pantry visitors able to receive every month?
Every month, households can visit any DMARC food pantry location to select a three-day supply of nutritionally balanced food and personal care items, dependent on family size. Clients can return to visit our Anytime Room for a limited supply of food.
What does a typical food pantry visitor look like?
About 85% of our clients are two-parent households with at least one parent working and small children in the home. They are people who are trying but for one reason or another are unable to make ends meet.
We provide food for children, older adults, young families, immigrants, refugees, students, veterans, single parents, homeless individuals, and moderate-income families who are facing any number of crises. Our policy is if you need assistance, we are here to help.
What is the eligibility to receive food?
There are no income or residency guidelines to receive food from the DMARC Food Pantry Network. We ask that you provide a photo ID for all adults receiving food and other identification for children.
What kinds of Identification are accepted?
Bring a photo ID for every adult member of your household and some form of ID for all children in the household. Acceptable forms of ID include: Government issued picture ID (foreign or domestic), passport, social security card, school ID, Title 19 card, medical card, health insurance card, birth certificate, court document, or document from the state of Iowa or Polk County Human Services.
What if I don’t have an ID?
ID’s are required for the adult visiting the pantry and requested for each member of the household that you are requesting the DMARC monthly food package for. However, a limited amount of TEFAP food is available without ID’s by completing a self-declared income form once per year. You may return monthly. You may also visit our Anytime Room without showing ID.
Are there any residency requirements?
Clive Community Services is a no boundaries pantry. There are no residency requirements to use our pantry.