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July Items of the Month

July’s Items of the Month are School Supplies and Rice.

When shopping for school supplies, use the following neighborhood schools’ supply lists as a guide.


We are introducing dual Items of the Month to begin soliciting food donations in addition to personal care/household items. July’s food item is rice. We prefer one- or two-pound bags of non-instant rice.

Collection Sites

Click on the above image for an interactive map of collection bin locations.

Clive Community Services
2190 NW 82nd St, Suite A, Clive
Office hours are not set in stone, but most of the time you will find someone here during these times.
Monday 9:30 – 7:30; Wednesday 9:30 – 2:30; Friday 9:00 – 12:00.

Clive Library
1900 NW 114th St, Clive

Bankers Trust
11111 University Ave, Clive

Middendorf Insurance
8400 Hickman Rd, Clive

TBL Print
7705 University Ave, Clive

WDM Elks Lodge #2752
2060 NW 94th St, Clive; 4:30-11:00 PM seven days a week.

Woodlands Creek Active Retirement Community
12675 Woodlands Pkwy, Clive

Sweers Family Chiropractic
15920 Hickman Rd, Clive

Lincoln Savings Bank
13523 University Ave, Clive